Changelog - Shipping Zones by Drawing Premium – 2024-10-12
- Fix: Shipping methods filter can never return NULL. – 2024-10-04
- Fix: Blocks checkout not filtering shipping methods. – 2024-09-30
- Improvement: Shipping methods filter improvement for blocks checkout. – 2024-08-28
- Fix: Saved customer delivery point does not affect available shipping methods.
3.1.2 – 2024-07-28
- New: Ability to save Google server requests into a log file.
- New behavior: Never try to geolocate shipping methods if a category condition is not fulfilled.
3.1.1 – 2024-07-26
- Fix: Corrupt minified js files.
3.1.0 – 2024-07-25
- Fix: Geolocating store address when calculating shipping.
- Enhancement: Loading of Google scripts is now dynamic.
3.0.9 – 2024-07-12
- Fix: All underscore methods removed from blocks.
3.0.8 – 2024-07-07
- Compatibility: Compatible with WooCommerce 9. – 2024-06-24
- Fix: Allowing route and intersection as result types when geocoding a direction.
3.0.7 – 2024-05-31
- Fix: Clear shipping rate cache when updating customer on blocks checkout.
3.0.6 – 2024-05-13
- Compatibility fix: Requests from the “Check My Address” extension were affected by the current Food Online delivery session.
3.0.5 – 2024-03-18
- New policy: Google requests from the server never use the client API Key (formerly the 1st key).
- Fix: The map on the block checkout page sometimes disappears when a new position is given.
3.0.4 – 2024-03-05
- Fix: Import Lodash library into blocks
3.0.3 – 2024-01-26
- Fix: Picked delivery location display twice on the Thank You page
3.0.2 – 2023-12-18
- Enhancement: Removed the presence of unnecessary Google requests
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
3.0.1 – 2023-12-14
- Fix: Component request string for Google calculations
- Fix: Integration with method selection block on the checkout page
3.0 – 2023-12-12
- MAJOR UPDATE – Please back up your installation before upgrading
- New Features: Ability to show an info message on checkout when no methods are available
- New behavior: Google requests from the server now using address components for better accuracy. This can be disabled by using the new filter “exprimental_szbd_piped_request” and returning FALSE
- Compatibility: Compatible with WooCommerce blocks checkout
- Fix: Show only one shipping method with minimum cost when running in server mode
2.8.12 – 2023-10-14
- Fixes: Bug fixes regarding checkout map and plus code.
2.8.10 – 2023-09-27
- Fix: Show shipping origin in the orders table also when HPOS is enabled.
- New: Ability to set a separate email recipient linked to a specified shipping origin.
2.8.9 – 2023-08-25
- Important change: It is now default to run the plugin in server mode.
- New: New option to save customer’s shipping location on order creation and to automatically insert the location on the checkout map for recurring orders. – 2023-0.6-19
- Backward compatibility: Compatibility with older WC versions where OrderUtil class is not defined.
2.8.8 – 2023-04-07
- Compatibility: Compatibility with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) (BETA) – 2023-04-05
- Fix: Dynamic rates fix PHP 8 – 2023-03-23
- New option: Option to apply minimum order rule before coupon discount
2.8.7 – 2023-03-15
- Fix: Modify the address format for Chile to be Google compatible
2.8.6 – 2023-03-01
- New: Updated [szbd] shortcode arguments
2.8.5 – 2023-02-20
- Fix: Google Maps requires a callback function on initiation – 2022-12-23
- Bug fix: v does not filter shipping methods correctly. – 2022-12-21
- New behavior: Cart subtotal for comparing with minimum order amount now calculated the same approach as WooCommerce “free shipping”. – 2022-12-12
- Compatibility: Compatibility with Elementor Pro 3.7 & Elementor 3.5. (native JS events) – 2022-11-30
- Improvement: Block Checkout improved compatibility
- Compatibility: Foodonline – 2022-11-11
- Improvement: Block Checkout improved compatibility
2.8.4 – 2022-11-10
- Compatibility: WordPress 6.1 & WooCommerce 7.1
- Improvement: Checkout map & marker behavior
2.8.3 – 2022-11-06
- Fix: Map marker position updates
- Fix: Geolocation of store address when running in server mode 2022-09-08
- Fix: Recalculation of viewport boundaries when titles loaded. – 2022-09-07
- Development: Shipping method filtering compatible with block checkout. – 2022-07-17
- Fix: Auto marker does not update shipping methods. – 2022-07-10
- Fix: Location marker insertion fix – 2022-07-04
- New option: Automatically insert a location marker on the map when an address is successfully geolocated.
2.8.2 – 2022-06-20
- Fix: Unregister szbdzones & szbdorigins post types on plugin deactivation – 2022-05-18
- Fix: Force address request string to include country even if same as store base country – 2022-05-02
- New: New text strings – 2022-04-28
- Fix: Filtering by shipping origin on shop_order table
2.8.1 – 2022-04-22
- Bug Fix: Calculation of shipping rate depending on package weight – 2022-04-20
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
2.8.0 – 2022-04-11
- New: Option to run the plugin in server -mode. All method filtering performs at the server.
- Changed behavior: The “strict mode” option is removed. All defined restrictions must be fulfilled.
- New: Possibility to use cart weight as an argument when defining a shipping flat rate. – 2022-03-14
- New: Added argument zoom for the szbd shortcode
- Fix: Error detecting minimum cost shipping method when methods have different origins and dynamic rates – 2022-03-12
- Bugfix: Error geolocating shop address when wc shipping isn´t initiated
2.7.0 – 2022-03-04
- New: Ability to use multiple shipping origins – 2021-11-18
- New: Option to use Google Plus Code to precise shipping location – 2021-11-01
- Fix: Trailing whitespace may cause incorrect output
2.6.0 – 2021-10-29
- New: Option to enable geo-calculations on the cart page
- New option: Restrict shipping methods by product categories
2.5.9 – 2021-10-21
- Improvement: Added wp nonces to ajax requests
2.5.8 – 2021-09-09
- Improvement: Monitoring of when shortcode [szbd] is inserted into DOM now waits until the map is visible
2.5.7 – 2021-09-06
- Improvement: New advanced option to monitor and initialize when shortcode [szbd] is inserted into DOM
2.5.6 – 2021-05-21
- Improvement: More efficient way to geolocate checkout map center points
2.5.5 – 2021-05-17
- Fix: Reset chosen map location when set/unset “Ship to a different address?”
- Dev: Bind shipping method list by element id (“shipping_method”) and try with wildcard if this id does not exist
2.5.4 – 2021-04-29
- Compatibility: Compatibility with Food Online 5
- Fix: Hide map on checkout when geolocation is not necessary
2.5.2 – 2021-03-12
- New: Option “Mandatory to precise at map” available when map is shown on geocoding failure
- Fix: Radius calculation error when store location is geolocated from WooCommerce store address – 2021-03-11
- Fix: SZBD shipping methods not shown at page load when map option is “show map when geolocate fails”
2.5.1 – 2021-03-10
- Fix: Picked location do not save when map is shown on geolocate failure
2.5.0 – 2021-03-10
- New: Support for use of shortcodes [qty] & [fee] when defining a flat rate for a “Shipping zones by drawing” shipping method
- New Option: Added option “Mandatory to precise at map”. This feature adds the possibility to force customers to use the map at checkout to precise their delivery location
- Improvement: Major improvement when geolocating to always display the most relevant map at checkout
- Dev: Updated checkout javascript file with increased stability and bug fixes – 2021-02-27
- Improvement: Tries to not load Google Maps js if it is already loaded
2.4.6 – 2021-02-26
- Fix: Shortcode [szbd] with radius argument do not show
- New: Argument radius_unit added for shortcode [szbd]
- Fix: Removes empty locality component restrictions – 2021-02-04
- Bugfix: Replaced arrow functions from version 2.4.5 result in incorrect calculations of the lowest delivery cost
2.4.5 – 2021-02-02
- Fix: Removed js arrow functions for improvement of browser compatibility
- Checks server-to-server request string for unexpected string conversion
2.4.4 – 2021-01-13
- Shortcode class [szbd] and javascript methods updated to allow multiple maps at same page
- Bug fix: Shipping methods disappears from checkout when location is picked from map and methods are re-selected more than one time
- Improved compatibility with Food Online Premium regarding precise map at checkout
- Bug Fix: Radius fail when geolocate store address
Resolved naming conflict with szbd_add_picked_location_to_emails filter
- Improved Google Maps Js compatibility with 3rd party scripts
- Bug fix: Radius calculation fail
- Do not run js at order-pay endpoint page
- Compatibility with Food Online 4.1
- Bug Fix: “Deactivate alert”
- New Feature: As option, let user pick delivery location from map
- New use of color argument for the [szbd] shortcode. Color can now be a list so each zone in the map can be given a own color.
- New option on how to define the store location
- New advanced option to force shortcode [szbd]. May be needed if showing the shortcode in popups etc.
- New argument “radius” to the shortcode [szbd]. Display a circle with specified radius
- Improved compatibility (with 3rd party plugins) when checkout fields like “Country” are removed from the checkout page
- Improved evaluation of customer default address
- Improved error handling at checkout
- Improved error handling at checkout
- Improved messages at checkout
- Compatibility with jQuery 3
- New option: Top sorted shipping method will be chosen at checkout
- New behaviour: Will only show top sorted shipping method when methods have equal rates and the option to only show lowest rate methods at checkout is enabled
- Bug fix: Checkout error when cart only consists of non shippable products
- Added option to deactivate post code restriction
- Bug Fix: Front end map display error
- Added shortcode argument ‘interactive’ to enable user interaction at the delivery map
- Improved support for addresses in Poland
- Bug Fix: Shortcode [szbd] map placed in wrong place
Store addresses accept establishment and route as geolocation types
- Allowing Google responses with route types
- Improved compatibility for Brazilian addresses
- Now allowing geocode reults with establishment types
- Better compatibility with states in some countries
- Added support to use shipping classes
- Bug Fix: Rounding rates
- Added column in edit to show post ids.
- Added shortcode [szbd] to display drawn delivery zones front end.
- Example [szbd ids=”id1,id2″ title=”Delivery Zones” color=”#c87f93″]
- Better compatibility when checkout is done stepwise (with external plugins).
- Better compatibility with addresses in Angola.
- Bug fix when excluding non-minimum cost shipping methods
- Improved compatibility with addresses in Russia.
- Further improved backwards compatibility with shipping methods created prior to version 2.0.0
- Better checkout perfomance.
Improved backward compatibility with shipping methods created prior to version 2.0.0.
Better stability for the Google Server-to-Server response.
Updated core for better performance.
Ability to limit by minimum order amount.
use dynamic shipping rates per tranportation distance.
Ability to limit shipping by a radius distance from the store address.
Ability to limit shipping by a transportation distance or time from the store address.
Ability to choose the tax status of the shipping cost.
Ability to choose title of shipping methods shown at checkout.
Better compatibility for addresses in Romaina
Improved address validation
Better compatibility for addresses in Canada
Minor bug fixes
Bug fix not showing shipping methods correctly at checkout
Added feature to set minimum order value per zone (shipping method)
Fix: when no matching zone is found at checkout
Added duplicate link to the drawn zones.
Better compatibility with Israel addresses.
Javascript bug fix at checkout
Show more than 10 maps when choosing shipping method
Added option to disable Google Maps API script loading
Improved compatibility for network installation (multisite)
Bug fix: file path reference
Bug fixes
Initial release