Tutorials - Food Online Premium

Food Online Premium Tutorials

Build Custom Menu with Shortcodes

It is possible to build your own menu page layout using foodonline shortcodes together with a page builder. In this example, we are using the WordPress in-built WordPress Blocks and the popular Elementor page builder.

The shortcodes we used are [foodonline_delivery] to show the top bar delivery selector, [foodonline_menu] to show the menu items, and [foodonline_minicart] to show a cart. 

Likewise the [foodonline] shortcode it is possible to use for example [foodonline_menu categories=”pizza,kebab,salad”] to only display certain categories in an certain order.

WordPress Blocks page builder & FoodOnline shortcodes

Elementor page builder & FoodOnline shortcodes

Avalibility Schedules

Set Time Picker Schedules and Prevent Orders on Sundays

Our aim is to use a set of schedules that open different time slots for delivery- and pickup orders from Mondays to Saturdays. On weekends, the open hours differ a bit from the rest of the week. Further, alcoholic beverages are not allowed for delivery orders.

Reminder!  To actually insert the time picker on the checkout page you have to enable the feature at the Time Picker Settings Section.

The schedule above open time slots (Time Picker Schedule) for Mondays to Thursdays, 15:00 – 20:00. For Delivery orders, we have chosen to not include alcoholic beverages because they are not allowed for deliveries in this example.

We now add two schedules similar to the first ones, but with extended time slots until 22:00 on Fridays.

To finish the week we now set schedules for Saturdays with open slots from 12:00 until 22:00.

Thereby the time picker slots for the week are ready and we just skip to set a time picker schedule for Sundays when the restaurant will be closed.

Since we don’t want to receive any orders during nighttime and on Sundays, we decide to prevent any orders from being placed if the time isn’t to the Place Order Schedule above, Mondays to Saturdays, 09:00-21:00.