by Arosoft
Food Online Premium for WooCommerce is a restaurant menu and ordering system. Customers can choose between Home Delivery, Take Away, or Eating at Restaurant.
Now Shipday Compatible! Food Online orders can be transferred to Shipday with a selected delivery time and a calculated driver pick-up time.
Food Online Premium for WooCommerce and WordPress is a restaurant ordering system that is simple to set up and use. Besides, it looks smooth on both desktop and mobile phones.
Add your dishes by using product attributes and you can offer your dishes in varieties of sizes, protein, etc. Food Online is compatible with WooCommerce Product Add Ons so you can offer even more product options. Try the plugin Shipping Zones by Drawing if you need to draw your own shipping zones.
If you need to view and confirm orders instantly, have a look at Live Order Confirmation Plugin.
Learn more by visiting and trying a demo. First of all, we recommend downloading the free version.
This WooCommerce restaurant Addon has a lot of features such as a checkout time picker and the ability to have multiple pickup locations so have a look at the complete documentation for further knowledge.
Insert the Menu with shortcode [foodonline], [foodonline2] or override the shop page if you like so.
Use shortcode [foodonline categories="category A, category B"]
or [foodonline tags="tag A, tag B"]
if you want to include only certain categories or tags.
Delivery addresses are validated with Google Maps API and therefore you will avoid receiving insufficient addresses. The API Key is free and can be found from a link in the settings area.
You can choose to display a delivery switch and let your customers select if they want Home Delivery or if they want to pick up the order at the restaurant. Also, you can show an approximate time until the order will be ready. If it is a delivery order, the shipping time can be calculated with help of Google Maps.
You can display a reminder popup at checkout so that your customers can add beverages or other supplementary.
Let customers choose the Delivery or Pick up time with a Time Picker on the checkout page.
If having multiple restaurants you can let customers choose from which restaurant they will pick up their food. It is possible to add an unlimited number of pick-up locations with individual opening hours.
From: $ 49.00 excl. tax / year
By purchasing, you acknowledge that your subscription will be renewed annually unless you manually choose to end the subscription.
Last updated
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Support includes:
* Availability of the author to answer questions
* Answering technical questions about plugin features
* Assistance with reported bugs and issues
Support does not include:
* Customization services
* Installation services
by Arosoft
Insert a date and time selector on the checkout page.
by Arosoft
Restaurant Online menus and order portal.
by Arosoft
The shipping Zones by Drawing plugin ables to make custom shipping areas in WooCommerce.
by Arosoft
Let customers check if your store makes deliveries to their address
by Arosoft
Customize your WooCommerce store and make it a wholesale order system
by Arosoft
An instant order approval plugin for WooCommerce