Documentation - Check My Address
- Download the extension from your Arosoft Dashboard
- Navigate to Plugins -> Add New
- Then click Upload Plugin
- Now click Choose File and select the .zip
- Click Install Now
- Click Activate Plugin Adjust translations or translate to a new language with Loco Translate
Update of new version
- Download the new version from your Arosoft Dashboard
- Remove your current installation of Check My Address from your Plugins tab at the WordPress dashboard.
- Install the new version as above.
Get information on the latest and previous releases from the changelog.
Getting Started
The settings page can be found as a tab in the WooCommerce Settings.
Before it is possible to start validating delivery addresses, you have to get your Google Maps API Key.
To get started with Google Maps Platform you will need a google billing account. Read this Get Started guide.
Be sure to include Maps JavaScript API, Places API, Geocoding API, and Directions API as shown in the figure below.

It is recommended to restrict access to the key by IP number or HTTP-address. Remember to add an asterisk (*) if you don´t add the exact path. For example*

Insert the API Key at the plugin settings page.
Shortcode [checkmyaddress]
Insert the Address Checker at any page with a shortcode,
Use the shortcode [checkmyaddress]
The shortcode arguments are:
position – center (default), left, right – (optional)
border – true (default), false – (optional)
current_cart – false (default), true, – (optional)
zone_id – null (default), the id of shipping zone to make address check up on – (optional)
Use the shortcode with argument [checkmyaddress current_cart=”true”] to make the address validation with regards to the actual cart contents.
This could be useful if the address checker is placed on the checkout page or on another page where the cart already is filled.
Pick Delivery Location from Map
If the user enters an address that can´t be geolocated as an exact delivery address, a map will be shown to let the user pick the exact delivery location.
This feature can be necessary if you are in a country or area where google has poor address coverage.

Use Address at Checkout
When this feature is activated, the customer will have an option to save a validated shipping address and it will then automatically be inserted at the shipping address form at checkout.

Geolocate user address
There is an ability to let users geolocation their current position and interpret it to a street address.
By clicking the crosshair sign, the user agent position will be geolocated.

Learn about WooCommerce Shipping Zones
If you are a beginner working with WooCommerce Shipping Zones, it is recommended to first read through the documentation.
Be sure that you are aware of how the shipping zones work, and especially that only shipping methods from the first matched zone are being included at checkout.
Shipping zones match customer address from top to bottom — the first to match the customer address is always used. If no custom zones match, then Locations not covered by your other zones is used.
WooCommerce Shipping Zones Documentation
Add Shipping Cost Suffix
When a user selects an delivery address from the address form, it will be validated and the user will get recieve a notice if delivery is possible or not.
If using this option, the notice will also contain the shipping cost.

Google Response Types
As an advanced option, it is possible to adjust which response types from a Google request will be treated as successful.
It is not recommended to change the predefined settings if you are not familiar with Google response types. Further reading about response types can be found at Google Documentation.